Scientific research team uses quantum dot technology to improve QLED production process

A research team from the Department of Mechanics and Chemical Engineering of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) successfully used quantum dot technology to control the "coffee ring" phenomenon and improve the uniformity of the coating.

Scientific research team uses quantum dot technology to improve QLED production process

Due to the difference in evaporation rate, coffee drips on a solid surface will leave a ring-shaped coffee spot with a shallow center and a heavy outer circle. This is known as the "coffee ring" phenomenon. The "coffee ring" phenomenon directly affects the coating uniformity of flexible materials, and eliminating the "coffee ring" phenomenon of coating materials is the core technology for producing the performance of a new generation of displays.

The research team adjusted the solvent composition of the coating with the help of the quantum dot concept, and successfully achieved the uniform spraying of the 100-micron level coffee-free ring through a simple evaporation production process.

This research not only solves the problem of coating uniformity of flexible materials, but also improves the production level, increases the utilization rate of raw materials, and reduces the production cost. The findings were published in Advanced Science.


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