Situation outdoor LED lighting products

  LED outdoor lighting technology was first introduced in popularity, due to their low energy consumption, is seen as an ideal alternative to traditional street tremendous energy products. Coupled with its rich colors, are widely used in landscape lighting. With the continuous improvement of LED luminous efficiency, cooling technologies mature, driving advances in technology in recent years began in force on indoor lighting.

Situation outdoor LED lighting products

  LED outdoor products for the domestic market generally have lights, linear lights. Which, LED street lamps are technically demanding products. Light bat wings, lightning, heat-power products, power supply, water and dust, high and low temperature applications, cloth lamp way primary and secondary roads and so determine the quality of the product.

  Domestic manufacturers generally are close-packed way of making high-power high light efficiency of the LED, the LED drive power coupled with outsourcing. Early products are mostly propaganda how high luminous efficiency, LED life for how long. But in fact does not represent the life of the LED lamp life, high luminous efficiency does not mean saving. In practice, we often encounter the lighting did not take long point, LED street lighting effect on many downshift even extinguish phenomenon. Because light LED lamps directly determine the practical application of fabric lamp, we should use the W / km this value to measure the energy levels of the product.

  Due to the high brightness LED, making people in the driving process susceptible to interference glare of streetlights, in the actual design should be avoided. Early Selection sodium street light as an ideal, one consideration is the yellow double yellow lines on the human eye is sensitive and strong capability through the fog. But now there is a color temperature of LED products can be selected from a variety of low to high, so that we can combine the visual environment of the human eye shade to more accurately select the appropriate color temperature. Coupled with the supreme guarantee of light pollution caused by the incident light with intelligent lighting control capabilities to saving use at night when traffic is idle, this can further achieve the effect of energy saving.

  Linear lights and landscape lighting can be divided into two categories lighting applications. Landscape lighting to emphasize the color, you can choose low-power LED. The application requires high power lighting LED. Applied lighting wall wash lighting effects are most common. Wall Washer important factors to consider are washed away from the wall, install the shortest distance from the wall, wall uniformity, wall wash dark areas.

  Because LED relatively harsh, often require the owners of such lamps with anti-glare mask, but the impact will be re-light distribution of these lamps is a new challenge. LED linear lights dimming main function is to produce different color changes, create a different atmosphere scenes. Dimming is the most common color of RGB dimming, now there RGBW, WNC, even special color dimming trend.

  From the perspective of the dimming of the agreement, domestic general DMX is the main way. Dimming system should be considered the most important reliability, stability, DMX controller system maintainability. Preferably with RDM and automatic addressing mode, fast and accurate positioning lamps. As the LED linear lights in conjunction with the building structure most closely, site construction and installation is the biggest challenge, both also with glass walls and other structures with electrical tie. Simple installation compact structure is the biggest design challenge.


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