Smart lighting technology research center to develop new LED lighting technology

  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute) smart lighting engineering technology research center had earlier announced that it has succeeded in the same gallium nitride (GaN) on the integration of the LED and power transistors. The researchers said the new generation of LED technology innovation will be knocking on the door, because it's cheaper to manufacture, more efficient, and the new features and applications far beyond the lighting category.

Smart lighting technology research center to develop new LED lighting technology

  The core of the current LED lighting system is made of gallium nitride LED chips, but many external components such as inductors, capacitors, silicon interconnect and wiring are all to be installed or integrated into the chip. The integration of these essential elements of large size wafer will again increase the lighting product design complexity. In addition, these complex LED lighting system assembly process is quite slow, not only requires a lot of manual operation, and the price is expensive.

  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Electronic Computer and Systems Engineering Professor T.PaulChow led a study is trying to have full use through the development of a GaN wafer manufacturing of components to address these challenges. This fully integrated stand-alone LED chips simplify the manufacture, assembly and to reduce the steps required to automate. In addition, the use of a single chip, so parts can also reduce the rate of failure, and to improve energy efficiency and cost effectiveness, and flexibility in lighting design.

  Chow and research teams are directly in the GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) at the top of the growth of GaN LED structure. They use several kinds of basic techniques to interconnect the two regions, creating what they call the first integrated on the same chip GaN HEMT and LED independent components. The components marked in blue stone substrates grown, showing light output and optical density and standard GaN LED components can be compared. Chow said the study for the development of new emission towards the integration circuit (lightemittingintegratedcircuit, LEIC) Optoelectronics is very important.


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