Store will use LED lamps in the future

  LED its green energy, health, intelligent, humane characteristics will be more affected by the mall owners close friends. Coupled with LED lighting has been around as a green government actively support industry, in line with government guidance and direction.

Store will use LED lamps in the future

  Therefore, according to predict the future there will be 99% of the new mall will choose to install LED lighting!

  Due to the number of shopping malls lighting installation, long time lighting, electricity demand, and the high price of commercial electricity, according to the size of the mall, a month tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of electricity are possible.

  If the installation of LED lighting, not only on the basis of improving on-site lighting effects can be achieved by reducing lighting energy consumption by more than 40% reduction in operating costs by more than 30%, and annual savings of thousands or even hundreds of million dollars.

  From the mall owner's perspective, the installation of LED lighting, it will be regarded as a clear, save money under!

  If they can meet in the "energy" needs of the premise, to better integrate LED intelligent character, to the wisdom of the mall development, will undoubtedly bring the effect of icing on the cake for the mall.

  Value in itself is not only energy-efficient LED lamps, lighting, hardware and wisdom, with LED lighting associated with positioning technology in only a fraction of the cost can be spent to upgrade the mall intelligent!


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