Sydney to promote LED lighting

  City of Sydney on the 3rd news release said that in order to create a more environmentally friendly , green and clean city , the City of Sydney will strengthen municipal property renovation in order to save money, reduce power consumption and water consumption and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

 Sydney to promote LED lighting

  It is understood that the City of Sydney will be a two-year renovation project to promote sustainable development, including Sydney Town Hall , Customs Museum , major libraries and swimming pools , community centers and parking lots 45 municipal property, the annual savings in operating costs more than one million Australian dollars.

  Moya said that the city residents , businesses and municipal government departments are in response to global climate change and positive efforts. City of Sydney leading into the property clean energy consumption , the public also contribute to tackling climate change . We are trying to take measures to improve the use of LED technology for street lighting , building facilities to improve water conservation , development of rooftop solar energy , expanding the coverage of urban trees in the park by rainwater recycling system of water conservation.

  Meanwhile, the City of Sydney is working with major companies , such as improving cooperation program through smart green business projects and construction, promote the implementation of energy conservation , there are 119 institutions participated in the Green Office program.

  It is reported that since 2006 , the property under the jurisdiction of the City of Sydney will reduce emissions to 20% energy towards the target of 26% emission reduction target in 2016 , plans to 2030 Sydney City 70% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions .


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