Taiwan LED commercial lighting Alliance

  In order to promote Taiwan's commercial LED lighting, commercial lighting design and build the necessary modules and LED shared a total internet marketing channels, ITRI, Lighting Association and Taiwan Optoelectronic Semiconductor Industry Association (TOSIA) 4, today announced a jointly established "LED commercial lighting Alliance ", invited 50 traditional lighting industry and LED manufacturers to form industrial clusters, combined with lighting, LED and light environment design elements for Taiwan LED lighting industry into innovative kinetic energy, the second wave of LED commercial lighting new sights opportunities. TOSIA chairman Wangbing Long said, LED lighting is entering the explosive growth, but now features LED not fully play, so by adding the semiconductor technology, the future will be able to develop more LED application products, and allow a more intelligent lighting .

 Taiwan LED commercial lighting Alliance

  LED commercial lighting Union will be for a period of three years, the integration of traditional and LED lighting industry vendors resources, the formation of industrial clusters, and proceed from commercial lighting, developing the next generation of healthy lighting systems. Alliance focus on promoting the work is divided into four directions, including the development of a shared module, enhanced energy LED lighting design, lighting design into the international level to promote LED lighting sales platform and application demonstration case, Li Qing Yuan said in the past have shared in the traditional lighting module habits, however, due to changes quickly and LED specifications, and therefore the primary task is to develop a common coalition modules, thereby reducing production costs and maintenance costs.

  Meanwhile, the alliance will also focus on improving the design forces to strengthen the concept of a shared module lighting design, increase the added value of the industry, coupled with the verification system and brand channel expansion, led lighting industry to flourish. Li Ching-yuan, Taiwan's LED lighting output and output ranked first in the world and the second, a considerable advantage, with continuous system integration technology into the design of energy, will make Taiwan into a major niche LED lighting supplier.


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