The future development of LED lighting stores

  Since 2013, lighting industry is relatively mature, technically, from a relatively reasonable price, from the popular trend has emerged. We can say that this is a huge market, and this huge market need a driving force, the competition came into being is the channel, the momentum of this competition just to include a lighting store.

The future development of LED lighting stores

  Recently, the town from across the country to investment in lighting stores large and small are numerous. So, I personally think that lighting stores more and more, is the industry inevitable result of the development process, the result is a market increasingly fierce competition in the industry due to market share continues to thin out. But in my opinion, our lighting market is still very large, we choose when the market must have a rational analysis, what kind of market for us, too must have the following characteristics: First, it must be has a very good location; second is that it must be inside the center of the region; Third, it must have the advantage of traffic on; Fourth, the developer must be able to do things for dealers seriously.

  Today's industry is very competitive, and I think this situation really is the channel with the business in hand situation. We can say that the prospects of this industry is bright, but the road is tortuous, whether it is business or lighting fixtures stores must have a long-standing and continuous innovation to heart, as long as such to be able to stand in this industry undefeated ground.


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