The German giant LED lighting requirements

It is understood that Germany is a resource-poor country, its energy mainly rely on imports, but due to the popularity of new energy has heightened the government's extra spending on new energy, together with Germany never believed in a free market economy, adhere to the social market economy model on its own.Weak investment and industrial structure aging seriously restricted the Germany's economic growth potential.These defects, in the coming decades, block the pursuit of both powers "pace".

The German giant LED lighting requirements

High energy prices have made the government has to strengthen the adjustment of energy structure, among them, the green lighting project to become one of the first projects.

According to statistics, there are 56 million European lighting road, road lighting every year accounted for 20% of energy consumption across Europe, powers in Europe and Germany belong to lighting, road lighting energy consumption accounted for 9%, if all replace LED green lighting, road lighting is the German government could save energy consumption of up to 1 billion euros a year.

However, the German accounted for only 10% of new light source, high energy prices, forced the German architect, public investors and consumers consider energy saving solutions.LED lighting will become a new topic in the German energy structure adjustment, the traditional lighting will be replaced by LED.According to preliminary statistics, if Germany now converted into energy saving illumination, estimated to invest 65 billion euros, this is a huge market.German government believes that the LED will be used for in homes, offices, large lighting systems, and the auto industry in the near future.Some of the potential growth areas such as: the street lamp lighting, automobiles, outdoor lighting, including garden lighting, indoor lighting (including residential and industrial units).


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