The Government of Uzbekistan plans to allocate 200 million RMB for the reconstruction of the 28-city street lighting system

 The Government of Uzbekistan plans to allocate 200 million RMB for the reconstruction of the 28-city street lighting system

According to the Uzbek Ministry of Finance news, in order to reduce energy consumption, the introduction of advanced energy-saving technologies, optimize the lighting system, the Ukrainian government plans 2017-2019 three years of fiscal allocations 84.8 billion som (according to the official exchange rate of about 28.3 million US dollars / (Including RMB20.9 billion), including 28 cities in Tashkent, including 20.7 billion US dollars (about US $ 8 million) or 20 million (approximately US $ 56.3 million).

The project involves replacing 82883 luminaires and optimizing 2779.2 km of lines, with plans to replace existing high-energy-consuming luminaires by 2020 with modern energy-efficient lighting using light-emitting diode technology (LEDs).


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