The low level of Chinese LED Medical lighting

According to statistics of the European Union Medical Devices Committee, the global medical device industry concentration is high, the current 25 medical device companies to carve up the world 60% of total sales of medical devices. According to China Association of Pharmaceutical Materials "2014 Blue Book of China's medical device industry development," the Chinese medical device companies generally small scale, the domestic medical equipment market whether in production or in the sales area, concentration is relatively relatively low. 2014, 20 listed companies annual sales estimated at 37.2 billion yuan, accounting for 14.55 percent of total industry sales, and in the medical device retail market, there is not a listed company.

The low level of Chinese LED Medical lighting

In LED medical enterprises, according to the social science research projects in Fujian planning report (2012B100) 2013 published in July, the country (including Taiwan) production, management of medical and related products LED manufacturers a total of 103 companies or . Including Jiangsu, 24 companies accounted for 23%, 14 enterprises in Guangdong accounted for 14 percent, Shanghai 11 enterprises accounted for 11%, Beijing, Hubei and Shandong have each accounted for 9% 9 companies in Taiwan five companies accounted for 5%.

Foreign production, management of medical and related products LED enterprises or manufacturers a total of 68, including 20 US companies accounted for 30%, Germany 18 enterprises accounted for 27%, the two countries together produce or operated medical LED and related products more than 50% of the global total. If Europe and the United States from two regions, the European countries a total of 38 companies accounted for 56%, the US there are 20 companies accounted for 29%, showing that medical LED and its related products and enterprises or manufacturers are mainly concentrated in Europe States as well as USA, Europe and the United States focused on the production and worldwide main medical LED related products.


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