The price of LED bulb was increased

Last year December, China's LED bulbs 40W higher than the retail price of $ 4.5 in November rose 8.8% to $ 4.9, 60W incandescent LED bulbs than the retail price of $ 12.4 in November rose 12.9 percent to $ 14 to get the year's most significant recovery. Although the price is higher than $ 9.5 and $ 18.1 at the beginning of last year, 48% and 20% of the decline, but the recent price rise downstream to upstream chip and packaging companies greater bargaining power, the industry boom is expected to rise again.


Global lighting industry has entered a new era of LED lighting leader, our LED lighting products production of about 1.67 billion, significantly exceeded early to predict 1.32 billion, of which commercial lighting growth spurt, the rapid growth of public lighting, home lighting started, the total sales of about 750 million, the market share of LED lighting products, has risen to 16.4%, compared with 8.9% in 2013. the market share increased by 84%.

Although December is the low season in the traditional sense, Epistar chip manufacturer also said that inventory digestion into the end, downstream restocking started, and there are some urgently orders, the first quarter of 2015 will show a trend is not short off-season.


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