The Russian LED lighting market status

According to incomplete estimates, in 2014 the overall share of the Russian lighting market is nearly 7.8 billion dollars, while the application of LED products does not lose the world's most advanced countries, 32% of high market penetration, and estimated in 2016 will reach 44% of the market permeability. Regardless of growth rate in overall lighting, and LED penetration, etc., Russia is beneficial to the regional market potential.

The Russian LED lighting market status

It is worth mentioning that, relying on the rapid development of the Russian border in Heilongjiang LED lighting market in 2014 because of economic sanctions by Western countries, in Ukraine issues affecting the ruble devaluation and other factors, the economic slump, shrinking demand, which greatly influenced the LED lighting export. To the first half of 2015, the country has slipped from last year topped the "second place" the place to twenty away.

And in 2015, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian market increasingly active, eye-catching performance in LED lighting export destination countries. It is also cost-effective LED lighting products and improve the results, and then developed a considerable number of market potential of developing countries.


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