The sales volume of LED ceiling lamps grows

  Currently, the sales volume of LED ceiling lamps grows forcefully and its price declines significantly, thus the overall demand for the product increases.

The sales volume of LED ceiling lamps grows

  The sales volume of LED Ceiling Lighting accounted for 5.6 % of the company’s sales turnover, an increase of 33.3 % over last year. The growth momentum is strong and its growth is one of the top three categories representing the company's products. Reasonable price plus the high-end quality highlights the high cost performance of ENELTEC LED ceiling lamps, so ENELTEC LED ceiling lamps continued to increase in the market share. Comprehensive consideration of various factors, LED ceiling lamp has become one of the major promoting products of ENELTEC.

  ENELTEC’s cutting edge lies in the packaging technology of LED lamp beads and the advantage of production scale and improving the quality of the performance. On the market, the sales volume of Eneltec LED ceiling lamps grows forcefully and forms benign word of mouth advertising. On sales, second purchase and purchase from friend introduce, etc. frequently occur. The brand advantage is obvious. In addition, according to changes in LED ceiling lamp market, ENELTEC has enhanced its product development to produce more diverse LED ceiling lamps in order to meet consumer demand.

  With the changes in consumer attitudes, the application areas of LED ceiling lamps turned from the balcony, corridor to living room, master bedroom and other places. Within the next five years, the appearances of LED Ceiling lamps on the market will be more abundant, and the design style will fit the height of the living room and the environment of master bedroom. Due to the high cost performance of LED ceiling lamps, the consumption habits of consumer become more rational. Some lanterns market will be diverted to LED ceiling lamps.


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