Urumqi LED plant factory supplies more than 500 kilograms of fruits and vegetables every day

What is the difference between hydroponic vegetables and soil-cultivated vegetables? How do hydroponic companies cooperate with the autonomous region science education base to provide convenience and support for science and technology-assisted research? On January 15, the reporter visited the Urumqi High-tech Zone (New Urban District). A plant factory in Qinggeda Lake Township, giving you a glimpse of the magic of hydroponic vegetable technology.

Urumqi LED plant factory supplies more than 500 kilograms of fruits and vegetables every day

When you walk into this intelligent LED plant factory, you will see a green area with all kinds of vegetables and plants growing happily. The reporter saw that in the constant temperature room, LED light sources are used as the "sun", and various sensors monitor temperature and humidity in real time. The software configures water and nutrients based on the data model, and 200 kilograms of leafy vegetables can be harvested every day.

"With this system, plants can be grown indoors in areas with harsh natural conditions such as plateaus, deserts, and islands. Some people even joke that it can be used to grow vegetables on alien planets." Xinjiang Zijingchuan, person in charge of the plant factory Liu Zhentao, director of the production department of Suo High-tech Agriculture Co., Ltd., said.

"Currently, we mainly grow 11 types of lettuce, champagne greens, Chinese cabbage, kale, spinach, etc." Liu Zhentao said that compared with traditional soil-cultured vegetables, hydroponic vegetables can not only increase yields with maximum efficiency, but also Let vegetables avoid soil-borne diseases and insect pests, without using pesticides, and ensure the quality of vegetables. Every day, the company supplies a total of more than 500 kilograms of fruits, vegetables and leafy vegetables to more than ten supermarkets such as Youhao and Huijia.

On the large screen in the company's exhibition hall, real-time videos of various vegetable laboratories are displayed. The laboratories are equipped with a variety of sensors that can control parameters such as temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide concentration, and light in real time. "Vegetables grown in this way have good taste, sweet taste, and are free from diseases and insect pests." Liu Zhentao said.

Factory farming is nothing short of a revolution for agriculture. Humans can get rid of the constraints of the natural environment and produce the plants they need in large quantities indoors.

Currently, the company is also researching industrial cultivation methods of hydroponic grass. "With the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for meat is increasing. Due to land restrictions, pasture has become a limited resource." Liu Zhentao said that currently, the company has newly developed major equipment for intelligent grass planting boxes, through a set of 7 The continuous production line of fresh forage formed by each intelligent grass planting box has achieved a continuous and stable supply of "fresh nutritionally adjustable forage" throughout the year.

This is a disruptive new industrial technology that not only saves more than 99% of water resources, but also increases the land replacement rate by more than 2,000 times. It ensures that more than 3,000 mutton sheep are kept for fattening and breeding at the same time every day, achieving an annual slaughter of 15,000 sheep, and has continuously driven 1,500 local people. Farmers continued to increase their income.



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