Wal-mart supports LED lighting system with iBeacons

  Many retailers now have started to deploy Apple iBeacons technology. Of course, these retailers usually buy a separate Bluetooth base station or terminal using the iPad as a base station. General Electric (GE) today announced the next generation of LED lighting system that allows retailers to save costs without having to purchase a separate base stations from other companies. Currently, Wal-Mart has already announced the deployment of technology to support iBeacons lighting system. Wal-Mart plans to deploy GE's new lighting system in the world all stores.

 Wal-mart supports LED lighting system with iBeacons

  Of course, Wal-Mart has not announced what kind of message would push through iBeacons, but GE's lighting system can play a full iBeacons features, including push coupons, promotions, product information and store maps.

  ByteLight, bluetooth chip provider for GE, recently announced in the United States to replacing LED Ceiling lighting can make every retailer save 340,000 KW of electricity, saving $ 34,000 per year of electricity. ByteLight chip powered lighting systems can be used and the lifespan is 15 years. Independent iBeacons base station needs to be replaced once every two years.


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