What are the performance characteristics of smart lighting?

The single lamp controller is used to control the street lamp switch, brightness adjustment, current, voltage collection, theft alarm, etc., and reserve functions such as temperature collection and lamp pole tilt detection.

What are the performance characteristics of smart lighting?

The street light manager is divided into modular type (in the built-in lamps) and plug-in type (in the built-in lamp poles), which can meet the needs of street lamp companies and engineering companies respectively.

1. Communication connection through NB-IOT wireless ad hoc network, real-time online information collection;

2. High-performance embedded microprocessor technology, advanced energy measurement dedicated chip, large-capacity memory technology;

3. Self-diagnosis and self-recovery function;

4. Power-off data retention function;

5. Remote or on-site automatic dimming realizes energy-saving control of street lights on and dark lights;

6. Wireless routing function to realize the relay function of communication.

The single-lamp controller of intelligent lighting is an important hardware device for realizing single-lamp monitoring of street lamps. It uses NB-IOT wireless technology to communicate with the system center, and is generally installed on outdoor street lamp maintenance ports or lamps.

The intelligent lighting system has many functions, including: timing scheduling function, alarm function, type conversion function, internal real-time clock and other functions.


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