World War II air-raid shelter was transformed into the world's first underground farms

According to the British on June 29 reported that the famous Michel Roux Jnr and two entrepreneurs financing will transform Clapham, south London (Clapham) World War II bomb shelter underground into the world's first underground farms.

World War II air-raid shelter was transformed into the world's first underground farms

Here planted herbs, salad leaves and vegetables for the restaurant is about supply and meet the family in London.

Three years ago, the first idea of underground farm was put out, is thought to help address urban population growth pressures, and for the public to provide more healthy food.

These crops are grown sealed a clean environment, there are specific ventilation systems, advanced lighting and sophisticated irrigation system to ensure crop grown under low power conditions.

World War II air-raid shelter was transformed into the world's first underground farms

Staff underground farms replaced with green energy LED grow lighting sunlight, and plans to allow water to penetrate into the cabin along the authentic land, planting the environmental zero impact on fresh products.

It is reported that the first phase of the crops include pea seedlings, a variety of radish, mustard, parsley, red amaranth, celery and so on.

Clapham dugout was originally built in 1940 to 1942 to provide protection to escape the Nazi missile attacks on vulnerable households.

World War II air-raid shelter was transformed into the world's first underground farms

The air-raid shelter open in July 1944, which is equipped with beds, medical room, kitchen and sanitary facilities can accommodate up to 8,000 people.

There are 12 stories underground shelter after the war has never been used.

This depth means that it can remain stable temperature of 16 degrees Celsius, and vegetables can be grown throughout the year, without worrying about the seasons change, drought and other problems.


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