Advantages of LED plant lighting

As life becomes more and more AI (smart), the flowers and plants that can always relieve stress and heal the soul are also very AI in planting. LEDs, which are indispensable in daily life, have expanded many new growth opportunities with the evolution of technology. , one of which is plant lighting.

Advantages of LED plant lighting

LED plant lighting has many advantages. For example, it can increase the growth rate of crops, save energy by up to 75%, and save water resources by 90%. , Both promote the development prospects of the plant and horticultural lighting market.

Plant lighting is very knowledgeable. Planters can use specific wavelengths to develop a single lighting scheme, such as blue light (420-480nm) and red light (620-670nm), or use multiple lighting schemes to form ideal light output with multiple LEDs. , to match the light required by plants at different growth stages, such as different light requirements for sowing, germination, growth, and flowering.

For the light in the red and blue bands, it has obvious effects on the cultivation of leafy vegetables, but the taste of hydroponic vegetables is still the key to improving the quality of vegetables, so the spectrum of white light plus red light is used, and other leafy vegetables and fruits, general-purpose types, etc. For example, the red light/blue light configuration of leafy vegetables is optimized to use 4:1, and the fruit such as strawberries or similar fruit economic crops should use 5:1 red/blue mixed light as the priority. For general-purpose plant growth aids, you can choose a 7:1 or 8:1 red/blue light ratio configuration.