Future LED bulb replacement market increases

According to market research firm Strategies Unlimited’s latest analysis report, despite the 2009 LED bulb replacement market is still very small, but now has become the fastest growing application market, the next four years CAGR (compound annual growth rate) will reach 104.2%, LED bulb replacement revenue for the first time over the building decorative LED lighting market revenue in 2011. In addition to these two major markets in the period from 2010 to 2014, residential LED lighting market will continue to grow, CAGR will reach 71.8%. In the meantime, retail display, off-grid and outdoor LED lighting applications market growth is also expected to exceed 40%.

Future LED bulb replacement market increases

With the global incandescent disabled regulations have been implemented, the existing incandescent will be replaced with energy-saving lamp CFL or LED bulbs. Due to the current high cost of LED chips and also heat problem has not been fully resolved, so CFL energy-saving lamps in the next five years, there is still much room for market growth, but with the LED chip to reduce manufacturing costs and CFL energy-saving lamps environmental pollution problems still exist, so five years after the LED bulbs will gradually become the mainstream market demand. LED bulb replacement market currently include: homes, offices and shops in the fluorescent lights, spotlights, work lights, shelf lighting lamps and downlights.

Currently LED lighting generally only 70-85% efficiency, to improve the efficiency, there are only two ways, one is to improve the optical efficiency of the LED chip, the second is to increase the beam angle of the LED chip. With technological development, these technical issues will be tackled, LED bulb replacement rate will be gradually increased.