High efficiency white LED break into the field of lighting


High efficiency white LED break into the field of lighting


When high efficiency white LED army march forth to break into the field of lighting, whether the pattern of the entire lighting industry will occur fission? Mao, general manager of global illumination Lizhi Peng, the former three male Aurora installed products project director of that: “the traditional lighting companies, the LED only be regarded as the light source to bring a product extension of the nature of innovation, but does bring a lot of innovation in the lighting design concept bright spot “in his view, Mitsuo Aurora, NVC and Op traditional lighting companies the technology is not necessarily the biggest obstacle, because these enterprises are market research, product analysis and technical study has some precipitation. The traditional lighting companies short-term force is not necessarily a technical problem, the key is to cut time to market; pattern will certainly change, but more enterprises had accumulated basis and post-operation of the market to depend on.


Senior industry marketing people, Chen Wei, said: “High efficiency white LED will change the existing pattern of the lighting industry, faced with breakthrough innovations to the traditional lighting companies in the new situation. Compared with conventional light sources, LED high bay light is not just a simple lamp with light source. requirements, the technical threshold is mainly reflected in the technical understanding of the chips, re-design of the power, cooling world, the appearance and optical design, the life of the illumination light effect can be standard product is easy to do, good product it is difficult, such as an MR16 bulb, you need to with traditional transformer thermal lumen dimmable above 400, the color is better, the price should be moderate, this is not a professional R and D is to get it working. LED overall lighting each watts 100 lumens now not a few companies can do. ”