High-quality LED lamps are widely used

In the daily production and life of people, a variety of lamps, such as incandescent lamps, tungsten halogen lamps, gas discharge lamps, fluorescent lamps, etc., are used. With the passage of the times and the advancement of technology, many new requirements have been put forward for the design and built-in functions of lighting fixtures. Intelligent lighting is favored by many consumers because it has a good fit for the current market demand and has many significant advantages.

High-quality LED lamps are widely used

According to statistics from the Prospective Industry Research Institute’s “Intelligent Lighting Industry Development Prospects and Investment Strategy Planning Analysis Report”, in 2013, the global smart lighting market was only 2.5 billion yuan. As of 2017, the global smart lighting market is 26 billion yuan. Among them, lamps and accessories account for about 30%. In the past two years, with the rise of the Internet of Things, the intelligent lighting industry has entered a stage of rapid development.

Based on the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, with an LED light source, wireless communication, and intelligent sensing as the core, intelligent lighting has brought people a highly efficient, energy-saving, healthy and environmentally friendly lighting solution. Especially in the context of China’s vigorous promotion of environmental protection and resource conservation, the commercial value of intelligent lighting is more worthy of attention. In the future, intelligent lighting products will achieve a variety of improvements in terms of ease of operation and a variety of functions.

In fact, with the continuous improvement of power carrier communication technology, white LED technology, embedded computer intelligent information processing technology, etc., people are increasingly demanding the quality of white LED light source, from the initial pursuit of “high brightness” “Converted to “high quality” that takes into account the color performance of color rendering index, color temperature, etc. When enterprises develop smart lighting products, they will pay more attention to product upgrades and technological innovations. In the fields of plants, display, medical, art, etc., high-quality intelligent lighting fixtures have a wide application space. For example, in the cultivation of rare plants, intelligent lighting fixtures can adjust the light according to the needs of plant growth.

Some insiders pointed out that at present smart lighting only meets the basic lighting functions, and the connection with other intelligent systems is not close enough. Every action of intelligent lighting fixtures depends on the user to issue instructions instead of passing through other systems. Inter-connectivity, receiving information and making reasonable actions on their own. In order to make intelligent lighting fixtures realize their true value, it is necessary for the industry to continuously explore and work hard.

Nowadays, with the IoT technology as the core, the intelligent lighting industry, which is deeply integrated with the next-generation information technology such as artificial intelligence and big data, has become a major direction for the development of the entire smart home industry. Intelligent lighting products that bring together a variety of technologies and functions are also playing an important role in the development of various industries.

In the final analysis, the ultimate goal of the smart home is to solve the “human” needs. In the whole house intelligent stage, in all kinds of scenarios, all smart appliances will unite into a unified whole. By then, smart lighting products will bring more convenience and fun to people’s lives. And the realization of all this will take some time.