Led house lighting: Electromagnetic radiation out of limit?


Led house lighting: Electromagnetic radiation out of limit?


Led house lighting radiation is in the affirmative, but whether, as reports said the 10cm range of radiation over nine times the temporarily hard conclusions, also need to be more authoritative testing organization detected in the different frequency. Hazards of radiation on the human body, if there is no harm, that countries would not develop the electromagnetic radiation standards, China’s Ministry of Health and Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) will not develop. Since it has been developed for the relevant standards, government departments and people need to take precautionary measures to prevent the potential threat of excessive radiation.


Though there is no reliable cases of Led house lighting electromagnetic radiation to cause human health risks more than public radiation safety value, but pretentiously theoretical, or shall cause the proper attention of businesses and consumers. In order to prevent the possibility of radiation, some experts have urged the public to not “too close”, but this is only the forest for the trees move, the manufacturers how to ensure effective control of security in the exposure value range, this is the root of the problem.


Of course, led high bay market discipline is imperfect, the result is often the quality of the wave after wave “from mercury pollution to the electromagnetic radiation, so naturally cannot give consumers a sense of security. Regular national testing organizations respond to electromagnetic radiation of energy-saving lamps setting clear targets, clear description of the hazards of electromagnetic radiation, and manufacturers to ensure effective control of the target range, this fundamental is to promote energy-saving lamp industry development the right way.