LED intelligent lighting future development programs

Currently, the business value of intelligent control is more and more fancy lighting companies. In order to seize the initiative in the LED era of intelligent, many companies produce LED products are not only stay in the dimming level of color, but actively explore the entire lighting system intelligent control. “People harmony with the environment as a starting point, and actively tap the customer’s needs, so that the general lighting and scene lighting organic integration of man and environmental development, and create order integration, intelligence, energy at the core of lighting applications new era. “an intelligent control industry representatives talking about the future of lighting technology trends while said.

LED intelligent lighting future development programs

At present, more and more enterprises begin to use LED applications and intelligent control manufacturers to cooperate with them. However, industry analysts pointed out that the present situation in the market of intelligent control products, technical solutions, market acceptance, product maturity, there are still some problems, really convey the building, energy efficiency, value-added features and LED lighting in all aspects perfect fusion of brands and products are also one of the few, if the product fails during use, post-maintenance is a big problem.

In addition, the price is hindered its marketing is one of the main factors. “The current market is compatible with lamps and inexpensive intelligent lighting control system is still relatively small.” On Shun On the Road TRADITIONAL general lighting, intelligent lighting control system is only open to large-scale applications, the price will gradually come down. But the current situation is, LED intelligent lighting market penetration is not high, prices of related products is still very high.

Intelligent lighting concept is good, but the cost, standards, technology maturity and other issues, hinder its front line. Experts said that only all reach a point of balance, intelligent control be possible to shine in the market.