LED lighting technology with its own astronauts or vegetables

For astronauts in space is concerned, every residence time of space exploration will be very long, and their food is brought to the earth from space, many scientists have been studying how to grow vegetables in space. Recently, the research team at the University of Guelph is committed to developing an LED technology, this technology enables the most efficient speed astronauts in space to grow vegetables.

LED lighting technology with its own astronauts or vegetables

The research team is studying the use of LED enable plant growth optimization technique, LED lamps can be used to produce specific wavelength necessary for the growth of plants, is the most valued LED lighting efficiency. When a shortage of resources, you can get a lot less energy to photons.

The researchers used lettuce tested in experiments, because such plants are easy to grow and the grown rapidly. They will use the findings to improve more nutritious crop growth, such as strawberry and cherry tomatoes and so on. Researchers believe that peculiar method will be widely used LED light source in the future, so lots of vegetables grown astronauts in space.

The objective of this study was to test to see what the special wavelength on a variety of plant growth best. Any resource interplanetary missions are necessarily limited, so energy efficiency is the key. Our weight into space as small as possible, perform interplanetary missions only need to carry essentials, the astronauts can not go to the grocery store at halfway to Mars.