Multiple factors impede the road of led lighting energy efficiency

For the led lighting energy efficiency, why not join the retail business? Is the lacking of awareness of retail enterprises in Dongguan on the LED street light caused? Recently, the reporter visited, many factors have led to the retail energy saving road being stranded temporarily.

One Factor: the difficulty of pre-huge amounts of money invest into 

“Too much capital invested for the first time, more difficult to accept.” said an unnamed foreign retailers who use energy efficient T8 lamps two years ago. But this year continuously replace the lighting equipment, but not LED lights, and become T5 led lighting energy efficiency lamps.

The source said, LED lights are far better than the T5 tube light, but the upfront cost of investment let him give up the idea. Another local retail admits, it is not the understanding of the LED, but the indeed pre-occupied money. He claimed, take the normal LED for example, its price is 2-4 times than the energy saving lights. For the retail industry, it is undoubtedly a huge funds.

Two factor: low-quality products lead to a cris of confidence

Of course, in addition to the early pressure of the cost,  due to the current  low barriers of LED to entry, it lead to a large number of workshop-style cottage factory came into being. Inferior products flood the market, so this series of  disorderly competition weakened the trust of this market.

“For example, you go to an electronics market in Chang’an, in a few small store,you can buy the assembly parts, and even assembly instructions.” An LED industry insiders told reporters. Just spent a few dollars, you can buy all the parts to build a so-called led lighting energy efficiency.

According to a rough estimate of insiders, a few hundred people LED factory in Dongguan is about 100, while a dozen people to dozens of people, ranging from LED factory, there are nearly 1000. As LED industry is still no standard, low-quality product severe everywhere, using cheap to  impact the product of normal business of led lighting energy efficiency. At the same time, due to the low performance, it damage the overall reputation of the LED industry.