With the Earth’s resources become increasingly scarce, the basis of investment costs of energy are rising, and a variety of safety and pollution problems can be described everywhere, solar energy as an “inexhaustible” security, environmental protection and new energy increasingly the more important. , But also with the development and progress of solar photovoltaic technology, solar power is also the development of the theater lighting equipment field of street lighting is maturing.
Installation of solar street lights required tools and equipment: Multimeter, wrench, thin wire, nylon cable ties, shovel, from the sling (the material is soft belt; For wire rope, wire rope must be wrapped in a cloth belt or from the transfer lamps pad soft objects to avoid damage to the lamp body), cranes, lift trucks, and so on.
1, the battery installation requirements theater lighting equipment:
1) removal of dirt and other debris in the cement trough solar street light foundation placed in the battery compartment, ensure that the drainage holes no blockage;
2) inspect the battery compartment for damage and simultaneous detection of battery voltage is normal, should the abnormal as unqualified products, prohibit the installation. With insulating tape wrapped jacket line poles.
3) disassembly of the battery compartment with a crane lifting into the pre-lay the foundation inside, and then put on two pairs of wire hoop after the battery cable through the cage prefabricated pipe connecting hose, prefabricated pipe evenly coated with a layer 7091 after the sealing silicone connecting hose plug the other end into the root of the prefabricated pipe, using a slotted screwdriver on the two-wire Ferrule bolt. Subject to the battery line wear clothing from the prefabricated pipe and then put on a threading hose to put on two pairs of wire hoop, threading hose, prefabricated pipe evenly coated with a layer of 7091 after the sealing silicone soft threading tube into the root of the prefabricated pipe bolt on the two-wire Ferrule with a flat-blade screwdriver, and finally the battery cable fixed to the nozzle.
4) Clear the foundation put a cover at the soil, sand and other impurities;
5) from the transfer cover, placed in the foundation and placed flat. When the cover is placed to avoid sediment around the foundation fall into the foundation;
6) covered with asphalt and sand theater lighting equipment mixture (asphalt: sand = 1:3) cover and cover around 40mm;
7) fill to cover clay or concrete. Filled and capped clay or concrete, each one providing a cover 10cm, rammer and solid until higher ground 10cm;