Anhui Huaibei smart street lamp "lights up" the city's night sky

Recently, more than 33,000 street lamps in Huaibei City, Anhui Province have been upgraded and transformed. The power saving rate of high-pressure sodium lamps is no less than 40%. Carbonization operation is expected to save 9.45 million kWh of electricity and about 6.62 million yuan in electricity bills per year.

Anhui Huaibei smart street lamp "lights up" the city's night sky

Huaibei City innovated and applied the new model of street lamp contract energy management to comprehensively improve the safety factor of street lamps and the level of refined and intelligent management and maintenance, further promote energy conservation and consumption reduction, and let smart street lamps "light up" the urban night sky.

Under the premise of not changing the light source of the street light, carry out energy-saving renovation, build a smart street light management system, and be responsible for daily maintenance; pay the energy-saving service company's investment and service fees in the form of energy-saving benefit sharing.

After the project is put into operation, it can save about 6.62 million yuan in electricity costs every year. The newly built smart street lamp management system has the function of real-time detection of the safe use of electricity for lighting facilities. Once abnormal conditions such as "light pole live" and "cable leakage" occur, the system will automatically alarm and cut off the power, improve the safety factor of street lamps, and better protect the lives of passing people; can automatically inspect the operation of street lamps, accurately locate faulty street lamps, and send the location and cause of street lamp failures to maintenance personnel independently at the first time, which greatly improves street lamps. Maintenance efficiency makes electricity use more secure.

It is estimated that 9.45 million kWh of electricity can be saved each year to achieve energy saving and consumption reduction. At present, more than 33,000 street lamps in the city have been renovated and upgraded, and the newly built smart street lamp management system implements intelligent management. Carry out energy-saving and intelligent management and control upgrades for street lamps, establish a smart street lamp management system, apply big data and information collection technology, integrate street lamps into the "urban street lamp command and management system", and build a "one network" for street lamp control, status query, fault alarm, group control and other intelligent management, truly realize "smart lighting".


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