British studies have found that LED technology can diagnose early cataracts

Heriot-Watt University study found that an LED technology can check out early cataracts, is expected to early cataract patients to start treatment, and reduce medical resources.

British studies have found that LED technology can diagnose early cataracts

According to reports, the technology can help clinicians to detect the fluorescence signal emitted by the crystal, to record and continue to track the formation of cataracts, and a clear diagnosis of whether the patient should be treated. As cataracts are often one or two types of complications of diabetes, this technology can be found through early detection of cataract patients with diabetes, significantly reduce the health of the pressure. In addition, the research team believes that this LED technology through the crystal changes in the situation, to detect the patient in their own lifestyle and environment presented under the "real age" rather than the physiological age. The research team will also conduct further tests on the pig to advance the progress of this noninvasive treatment technology.


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