The latest US study found that green LED light source helps to relieve pain

University of Arizona, the latest study found that exposure to green LED light source helps to relieve pain, the future for patients with chronic pain, it will be a great gospel.

The latest US study found that green LED light source helps to relieve pain

According to reports, the researchers are currently for 10 patients with fibromyalgia (fibromyalgia) for 10 weeks of human clinical trials, the initial results are encouraging. Because the analgesic effect is significant, and even two patients refused to test the green LED light source back to the research team. Although the study is still in its infancy, Dr. Mohabibrahim said that the green LED light source to create such a lamp, with considerable possibilities, can reduce the specific chronic pain, and this therapy is more safe, effective and affordable. He hopes to launch a green LED light therapy in the future, or with other methods to help many patients suffering from pain.


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