Changji, Xinjiang plans to replace urban public lighting this year

On February 27, several street lights on Hongqi West Road in Changji City were not working. Tian Guohua, head of the Public Lighting Section of the Changji Municipal Maintenance Management Center, led workers to the site for immediate maintenance.

Changji, Xinjiang plans to replace urban public lighting this year

There are currently more than 23,000 street lamps in Changji City, and only ten people from Tian Guohua and his public lighting department are responsible for the daily maintenance of the street lamps. Tian Guohua divided the 10 people into three groups. Each group has a driver, two electricians, and an aerial work vehicle. They are bounded by Wuyi Road in the north and south, and Zhongshan Road in the east and west. The three street lamp maintenance teams carry out maintenance work within their respective scopes.

According to Tian Guohua, rectifiers, triggers, and light bulbs are the most common causes of street lamp damage. Most of the damage to street lamps is caused by windy tree branches, aging electronic components, and short-circuit burning of cables. When the ice melts and the snow melts in spring, after the melted snow leaks into the aging and damaged insulation layer of cables, short circuit or burnout failures will occur, so spring is also a period of high incidence of street lamp failure rates.

At present, high-pressure sodium lamps are still used for street lighting in Changji City. The average service life of this lamp is about 5,000 hours, and the failure rate is relatively high. Compared with the LED lamps currently used in other cities, high-pressure sodium lamps have power consumption. Large, low brightness, high failure rate and other shortcomings. Changji City has planned to replace the high-pressure sodium lamps in urban public lighting with LED lights this year, which will have a qualitative improvement in urban public lighting.

According to Tian Guohua, the Changji City Municipal Maintenance and Management Center has set a goal for street lamp lighting this year: the lighting rate of street lamps has increased from the current 80% to more than 95%. In order to turn this goal into reality, Tian Guohua and his three street lamp maintenance teams in the Public Lighting Department work non-stop from 10 am to 8 pm every day, dealing with more than 50 faulty street lamps on average every day. , damage to street lamps, short circuit of cables inside light poles and other dangerous situations with potential safety hazards such as electric leakage, they must go all out to work overtime to troubleshoot the faults.


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