Gardening LED lighting series finished the traditional high pressure sodium lamp

Servizi Ambientali Bassa Reggiana (S.A.BA.R.) is located in the province of Lecce, Italy, between Palma and Bologna, rich in the favorite of the public - Italy basil, basil can be used to make salads, pasta and other Dishes. S. ABA. R greenhouse cultivation using Oslon gardening LED lighting program instead of high pressure sodium lamp, not only improve the production of basil, but also significantly reduce the energy consumption of lighting.

Gardening LED lighting series finished the traditional high pressure sodium lamp

Previously, S. ABA. R greenhouse cultivation using traditional high pressure sodium lamp lighting, power consumption is great, and often need a lot of time to artificial lighting in order to solve the basil common diseases, high input costs.

Ambraelettronica, OSRAM lighting partner, is a Italian franchise plant lighting company. They use Oslon LED lighting series developed a plant lighting technology. S. ABA. R greenhouse cultivation using this new technology. Compared to the traditional high-pressure sodium lamp lighting, new technology can reduce energy consumption, but also let the basil grow faster and better.

S. A. BA. R's CEO Marco Boselli said:

"We are very pleased with the AmbraLight program, which is safe and improved in terms of red, ultra red and blue Oslon LEDs in different proportions, and we were concerned about the spread of the downy mildew because the heat of the high pressure sodium lamp Sterilization, but did not find any frosty mold. LED program Blu-ray ratio is 5%, and before the high pressure sodium lamp is 25%, using LED program, found that plant growth faster and better.


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