Harbin install more than 20,000 LED lights this year

Harbin Power Company was informed that the company has with the Municipal Construction Commission jointly launched LED lights transform the construction project - before the end of the year, the main city Ring 22013 557 on the road "to battle" sodium will replace all LED lights. It is reported that new induction LED lights only 38% of the energy consumption of the traditional street lights. In addition, Harbin this year and will expand intelligent lighting control systems, intelligent control of all lights within the second ring.

Harbin install more than 20,000 LED lights this year

Currently, the city lights are the traditional high-pressure sodium lamp, high energy consumption. In contrast, LED lights with high efficiency, safety, energy saving, long life, fast response, CRI advantages. According to City street management office responsible person, within the main city of Harbin Second Ring of about 800 street lights, the lights are longer replace 557 street lights running more than eight years, to life. It is reported that the LED lights will replace two successful business investment, and ultimately into enterprises with energy-saving benefits obtained their profits.

Harbin this year will be the expansion of intelligent street lighting control system can be realized on all the lights within the Second Ring unified intelligent control, real-time data monitoring, exception analysis and fault alarm. City Street Lights Office of the person in charge of urban lighting monitoring center usually based illumination instrument data, real-time network-wide mandatory switch lights start instruction. Any particular weather conditions, Town Central Standing Committee also enough brightness Street, another street sight dim, the intelligent system can recognize intelligent street lighting; and, in the haze, haze and other inclement weather, when the lighting conditions are less than 30 lux , the system will automatically alarm to the management staff, thereby enhancing low-light area lighting to ensure traffic safety.


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