LED emergency lighting is indispensable

In recent years, LED strength of enterprises changes on product innovation can be seen as China's LED industry evolution evidence. It is understood that in the same power supply, the British Long photoelectric research and development of products in a single unit can be integrated in the conventional mode, emergency lighting mode and dimming mode. In the lighting installation, the compact shell saves space, integrated drive moderate space requirements for the lighting designer to provide greater freedom. As the application of industrial and mining, square and other scenes of the product, in addition to meet the lighting function, LED power also has the same power emergency lighting function to ensure the safe evacuation of personnel after the power continues to work. 

LED emergency lighting is indispensable

"The particularity of the emergency power supply is that it belongs to a hidden product, and at many times he may not be in a working state, so he will feel that the product is special. INLONG power supply is mainly with emergency response that start standby battery lighting in case of emergency, said Lu Xiaowei, general manager of INLONG.

Today's LED industry has been with the world, the accumulation of strong growth momentum. There are industry who believe that LED emergency power supply should be "standardized + emergency management" concept, to promote the construction of urban safety emergency system to achieve the city emergency response and emergency capability modernization.

In the use of innovative products, advancing with the times, and actively explore. In the blueprint for building a smart city, emergency lighting cannot be absent.

At present, the national emergency power business mainly belongs to the Kehua, Keshi Da, Burke, champion, easy special and other enterprises. In the field of lighting, low-end market demand higher, and in high-end market, the British Long photoelectric, gold Wright, and other enterprises occupy a certain market share. In the current emergency power supply, there are about two levels: First, awareness; enterprises recognize the necessity of emergency power supply, but has not yet risen to a certain height. Second, hardware. Many emergency power supply production enterprises is not strong sense of innovation, the core components of the technical level far behind the LED product replacement, product quality level is not uniform, which are the constraints of the industry development.


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