LED plant factory cantaloupe yield is 8 times of the greenhouse

Taiwan's Changhua Dayeh University research plant factory, try planting cantaloupe, tomatoes and other crops, which grow out of the melon and juicy sweetness high output of up to eight times the greenhouse cultivation.

LED plant factory cantaloupe yield is 8 times of the greenhouse

At present, they developed technology, the plant out of the cantaloupe production of greenhouse grown eight times, hope that the future can technology transfer to farmers, open up a new agricultural school was also developed for each crop growth characteristics, while LED as light and cost savings.

Large Yeh University associate professor of molecular biotechnology Yucong An said, cantaloupe traditionally in the open air or greenhouse cultivation way, though skilled, but there is no way to affect the weather will be the year of production, plus melon pests more easily mixed quality , there are pesticide residues, therefore they try to plant the plant cultivation.

LED light source technology with ambient temperature, kind of out of the melon is not only completely without pesticides, the average weight of each tablet may be up to 2 kg or more, more than 16 degrees Brix, one can keep three fruits, plant life can be up to 1 year can be continuously harvested five.


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