Nanchang West Railway Station lights up the station to ensure passenger travel

In order to meet the increasing demand of passengers during the May 1st period, Nanchang West Railway Station Comprehensive Service Center added some idle areas in the east and west taxi passages of Nanchang West Station as hospitality areas. There are very few lights left. After communication and negotiation between Nanchang West Railway Station Comprehensive Service Center and Nanchang West Railway Station Real Estate Co., Ltd., although this area is not within the management scope of West Railway Station Real Estate Co., Ltd., in line with corporate social responsibility and responsibility, it demonstrates the spirit of the company to do practical things for tourists. On the morning of April 25th, West Railway Station Real Estate organized engineering personnel to carry out lighting maintenance work in their area.

Nanchang West Railway Station lights up the station to ensure passenger travel

Since the downlights are about 3.5 meters above the ground, maintenance personnel immediately set up scaffolding, put on safety ropes and safety helmets, and climbed onto the scaffolding to carry out maintenance work. During the maintenance, it was found that most of the downlight ballasts and lighting lamps were damaged. The whole set needs to be replaced, which increases the difficulty of maintenance and the number of replacements. The inventory of the West Railway Station Real Estate Company cannot meet the maintenance. The maintenance personnel installed the old downlights that were dismantled during the renovation of the store and installed them in the reception area. After a day of maintenance work , all the damaged downlights in the east and west hospitality areas were repaired, and a total of 72 pieces were repaired. This repair not only completed the work excellently, but also reused the old downlights.

West Railway Station Real Estate has always been adhering to the purpose of serving passengers and putting passenger safety in the first place. After that, West Railway Station Real Estate will continue to strengthen lighting maintenance to provide passengers with a bright and comfortable travel environment.


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