Philips open city farms

Philips' global president of urban agriculture said: "Our goal is to develop a new technology, this new technology allows anywhere planting tasty, healthy and cost-effective food made possible our ongoing research will be the existing plant production. expanded to a global scale, reduce waste, reduce food output cycle, and almost no occupation of land resources. "

Philips open city farms

Since then, similar to London Growing Underground indoor urban farm so you can benefit from this research, and only need to Growing Underground environment can make the transformation.

Currently GrowWise City Farming urban farm field 235 square meters, is said to be one of the largest such research center, to ensure a clean and sterile environment, and with natural light and air environment is very close, so the whole breeding process is completely controllable.

Here used Philips GreenPower LED lights green energy, according to Philips, said with high energy efficiency, heat compared to other LED illumination produced less, which means it can be placed closer to a place away from the plant, to achieve the most excellent positioning and lighting. Crops planted on four mechanical rack, a total of eight rooms to do the environmental adjustment.

This study is aimed primarily leafy vegetables, strawberries and herbs. For example, such as for wheat, potatoes and other carbohydrate abundant species planted in indoor lighting environment to do research.


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