Plants can photosynthesize through LED lights?

Everything depends on the sun for growth. This is what we have known since childhood. Perhaps someone has done interesting experiments in school to prove this. Even most of us can remember the basic knowledge of how plants survive and why they need sunlight to survive, but is this real? Can plants grow without sunlight?

Plants can photosynthesize through LED lights?

Of course, in nature, plants cannot grow without sunlight. Although plants can survive for a short time without sunlight, they cannot grow without sunlight. Plant cells need light for photosynthesis and obtain the energy needed for growth. However, we can replace sunlight with artificial light.

Another rare exception is parasitic plants, which derive energy from other living plants and therefore do not need light at all.

But a little-known fact is that if a plant is green, it needs sunlight or substitute artificial light to survive and grow. In most cases, we associate the light necessary for plant survival with the sun, but this is not necessarily true. It's not that simple.

If there is one word that connects all non-vegetative people with the rest of us, it is photosynthesis. We’ve all heard, learned, and studied that this is the magical process of plants eating food, and the reason why it’s so magical is that plants are self-supporting. This is a fancy word to show how they work. Prepare food from scratch before eating.

Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air, absorb water from their roots, and use light as fuel to produce glucose and sugar. Colleague plants also produce oxygen, which we all like, as waste. This is one of the important reasons why plants are not only important, but also vital to life itself, so we all breathe plant waste, and this makes it more interesting.

We also know that it is composed of different colors, and plants contain a molecule called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is responsible for absorbing light. More precisely, chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light and reflects green light back. Sounds familiar, right? This is why plants are green because the molecules they use to absorb light reflect green.

But how long can plants survive in the absence of sunlight?

We will ignore artificial light and only discuss natural light sources, more specifically sunlight. But first, let's talk about the true meaning of sunshine.

When a friend asks how much sunlight plants need, they usually refer to how much direct sunlight they actually need.

If the plant is not in direct sunlight, it does not mean that it does not get any sunlight. Let's imagine it first. We take the plant out of the window and place it in a dark corner of the room. We will still see the plant. This means the photons will bounce in the room and hit your eyes, but they will also hit the plants, which is why you can see them. Plants still use light, it is not as abundant as direct sunlight, but it is still a light source.

Plants are really good at using any light source. The ability of plants to use light sources actually depends on the types of plants and their needs, because we know that there are thousands of plants in every corner of the world. Some plants grow in deserts or areas where direct sunlight lasts for 12 hours, so they rely heavily on direct sunlight as much as possible. But in the tall and dense tropical rain forest, almost no light reaches the ground. These plants have adapted to survive and multiply under high humidity and low light.

Because some plants naturally need more light, and some plants need less light, your indoor plants can spend the rest of their lives happily in a dark corner or a windowless bathroom, otherwise in this case, they are very Will die soon.

Can we use artificial light to grow plants?

The answer is yes, plants can survive and even thrive under artificial light. The only reason why plants grow in the absence of sunlight is that we have discovered artificial light. This is what we learned from textbooks, because plants evolved in this way, but the molecules responsible for this process don’t care where the light comes from, as long as they are delicious.

For our plants, a light source with the required wavelength is delicious food.

Because the sun provides a complete spectrum, plants do need it at different growth stages. This is the source of growth light. They are designed to complete or provide the complete spectrum that your plants need to thrive.


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