The benefits of thermal conductive plastics for LED lighting

  LED lighting, as a rising star in the field of lighting, has a promising market in the next five years and shows strong growth momentum. With the continuing dropping of the price of LED lighting and the improving of performance, the vast majority of the overall cost of the whole life cycle of LED lamps will be significantly lowered than traditional lamps in the next 1-2 years and become the mainstream lighting.

 The benefits of thermal conductive plastics for LED lighting

  Generally, LED lamp housing will use aluminum or ceramics, but the last two years, the sudden emergence of new thermal conductive plastic material was gradually accepted by the majority of manufacturers to become high-profile housing material.

  To sum up, the thermal conductive plastic has the following advantages:

  1. Insulating and fire retardant, safe.

  2, light weight, a density of about two-thirds of aluminum.

  3 easy molding, mass production is good.

  4 without secondary processing, greener.


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