The evolution of LED light source technology and the development trend of indoor lighting

With the continuous improvement of LED technology, interior lighting design is also developing in the direction of energy saving, humanization, and artistic development. Lighting must reflect the function of each space and the feelings of residents. Just like any other part of interior decoration, lighting design It is also constantly changing, and technology is one reason for these changes. For example, in home life, guests may need brighter lighting when visiting or gathering, while soft lighting is used when listening to classical or light music; and when the living room is turned into a home theater to watch wonderful movies, the lighting is even better. It needs to be dimmed; the color temperature of natural light is different in the morning, noon, and evening. This difference has a great impact on human physiology and heart. At certain moments, we need to improve work efficiency. At certain moments, We also need a warm environment or atmosphere for people to rest.

The evolution of LED light source technology and the development trend of indoor lighting

It can be seen that as manufacturers provide more advanced lamps and bulbs, the tastes and preferences of homeowners have also changed with the development of the times. This further explains why we have different types of retro lighting, decorative art, mid-century modern and so on.


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