The relationship between light and people in landscape lighting engineering design

Landscape lighting design not only expresses the theme landscape itself through the use of lighting, but more importantly, it integrates into the living environment, so that the experiencer feels the joy and enjoyment of the spirit. Therefore, "people" is the foundation of landscape lighting. As a starting point, the use of different technical means to achieve the goal of "humanization" of landscape lighting.

The relationship between light and people in landscape lighting engineering design

Light and human relationship

People acquire external information through the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, etc., and understand the world around them. According to reports, 80% of human information is obtained through visual channels. Vision is the perception of the outside world obtained by the light sensation produced by the radiation entering the human eye. Vision is not fleeting, its processes and characteristics are complex, and there are still some areas that we are not aware of. The process of visual experience is formed by the close cooperation of the brain and eyes.

The human visual system is similar to the image recognition system and is mainly composed of three parts: the eyeball muscle, the optical system of the eye, and the optic nerve system. The eye moves under the action of the eye muscles, capturing light, and the light collects light on the retina through the optical system of the eye, and is transmitted to the optic nerve through bio electrochemistry, and finally transmitted to the brain, producing a feeling of light or producing vision.

The main optical process that occurs when light passes through the eye is: when visible light having a wavelength of 380 nm to 780 nm enters the outer transparent protective film of the eye, refraction occurs, and light enters the pupil from the cornea, and the amount of light entering is automatically obtained by contraction or expansion of the pupil. Adjustment. After the light passes through the pupil and the lens, light is concentrated on the retina by the lens and transparent vitreous body fluid.

Lighting is to provide a light environment for vision, so lighting technology must be associated with people's perception of light. This includes branches for lighting testing, lighting assessment, lighting design, and lighting planning. Therefore, lighting is an interdisciplinary subject and has a certain connection with physics, physiology, psychology, architecture, aesthetics, economics, and environmental science. The relationship between light and people is also relatively close, except that it is closely related to the visual, physical, psychological, and lighting positions in the progress of human civilization.


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