West Lake Nightscape Lighting Management Service Standardization Pilot Passed Acceptance

Recently, the "Standardization Pilot Project of West Lake Night Landscape Intelligent Lighting Management Service" undertaken by the Scenic Municipal City Appearance and Sanitation Management Center passed the acceptance test with excellent results. This means that the West Lake Night Landscape will officially usher in the 2.0 era. After that, more than 130,000 sets of landscape lights in the West Lake Scenic Area will follow this standard uniformly.

West Lake Nightscape Lighting Management Service Standardization Pilot Passed Acceptance

The night landscape lighting project of Xihu Lake began in the 1990s. In 2002, it began to carry out large-scale and high-level lighting projects in combination with the comprehensive protection and improvement project of West Lake. By 2007, the night landscape pattern of the core area around the lake including the three islands in the lake, Sudi, Beishan Street, Baoshan Mountain, and Lakeside Park has basically been formed.

"The lighting management of the West Lake Scenic Area follows the principle of territorial management. The eight major management offices in the area have no unified standard for managing their own lighting, maintenance, and operation." Huang Chaojin, a staff member of the Municipal and Environmental Sanitation Management Center of the West Lake Scenic Area, said.

As a result of the G20 Hangzhou Summit, the West Lake Scenic Area has improved the night landscape of the West Lake as a whole. This opportunity:

5In May 2017, the pilot project for the standardization of night lake landscape lighting management services was launched;

6In June 2018, entered the trial operation phase;

At the end of August 2018, the acceptance test of the standardized pilot project of Hangzhou Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau was successfully completed, with obvious results.

"The biggest achievement of this pilot is the establishment of a standardized lighting system for the West Lake Scenic Area." Huang Chaojin said.

In accordance with the requirements of GB / T24421.2, the standardization pilot leadership group formulated and improved the "Standard System Table", "West Lake Night Landscape Lighting Operation and Maintenance Specifications", "West Lake Night Landscape Lighting Management Standard", "West Lake Night Landscape Lighting" There are a total of 11 night landscape lighting management standards such as the "Long-term Management Assessment Standards", which has completed the preliminary construction of the standardized system.

"In the future, we will follow the standardized system for the operation, maintenance, inspection, and evaluation of scenic lights. With this standard, the details will continue to improve and the night scenery of the West Lake will become more and more beautiful."

The night view of Xixu Lake is a whole project. If you underestimate the monthly inspection, the beauty of the night view may be lost, and the tourist experience will be worse.

So there are many details, although small, they are all important. such as:

Summer lights are on from 7 to 10:30 every Tuesday. The standard stipulates that the lighting rate must reach more than 98%;

The light source needs to be checked once a month;

Every night landscape must be inspected by someone to deal with small problems;

No other equipment can be placed in the light box.

At present, this standard is only applicable to the lighting system in the West Lake Scenic Area.

Next step, the West Lake Scenic Area City Appearance and Sanitation Management Center intends to implement this standard to other urban areas in Hangzhou, and to unify the overall management standards of Hangzhou's lighting management.


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