Analysis of LED bulbs buyers

  Overall, the current LED bulbs on the market, whether the manufacturer, buyers or end users are not professional, most just use their experience or subjective appearance to judge product quality is good or bad in the case of identical appearance of the product , prices play a leading role.

 Analysis of LED bulbs buyers

  As the LED market is now a channel effect is not obvious. Currently LED bulbs buyers no obvious characteristics, namely those who purchase LED products (especially applications) of the LED bulbs are likely to purchase, but do lighting lighting buyers, major procurement LED display, wall lights, guardrail and the like, buy LED bulb is unlikely.

  Buyers are mainly distributors, online stores, architectural lighting engineering companies as well as doing the transformation of energy systems (such customers while also selling solar products). Regardless of the type buyers, there may often receive small projects at the local (such as a store want to change LED lights, a window incumbent LED lights).


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