Education LED lighting industry standards are not enough

In order to make refined products, the industry has also issued relevant standards for educational lighting, such as classroom lighting and lighting hygiene standards for primary and secondary schools, myopia prevention and control work plans for primary and secondary school students, and classroom lighting and lighting hygiene standards for primary and secondary schools. At present, the main standards represented by the subdivision of educational lighting are: National Mandatory Standard GB 7793-2010 "Standards for Lighting and Lighting Hygiene in Primary and Secondary Schools" (National Ministry of Health), GB 50034-2013 "Architectural Lighting Design Standards" (housing and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development), the national recommended standard GB/T 36876-2018 "Sanitary Requirements for Lighting Design and Installation of Ordinary Classrooms in Primary and Secondary Schools" (National Health and Health Commission), the industry standard JGJ 39-2016 "Code for Architectural Design of Nurseries and Kindergartens" (housing and Ministry of Urban and Rural Development), etc.

Education LED lighting industry standards are not enough

LED companies also actively participated in it. NVC Lighting participated in the compilation of the group standard of "Technical Specifications for LED Lighting in Primary and Secondary Schools", Foshan Lighting participated in the drafting of "Technical Specifications for LED Lighting Lamps in School Classrooms" and other standards, and Sidon Lighting participated in the compilation of "Technical Specifications for LED Lighting in School Classrooms". "Classroom Lighting Environment Evaluation and Rating Specification", Rieterson and Xuyu Optoelectronics participated in the formulation of "Classroom Lighting Lamps".

In general, the educational lighting market is still on the rise, and more and more lighting companies will continue to enter the market and participate in the market competition in this field. Although market competition is not detrimental to the development of the industry, more industry standards are needed to restrain the industry in order to promote a more standardized and sound development of the industry.


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