LED artificial intelligence street light can open different modes to achieve functional lighting

In different seasons and different time conditions, the brightness of LEDs will be different. Do you believe it?

LED artificial intelligence street light can open different modes to achieve functional lighting

From the news conference on the transformation of scientific research achievements of urban management systems held by the Municipal Urban Management Bureau, it was learned that a project of “Internet of Things Multi-color Temperature and Anti-fog LED Artificial Artificial Street Light Green Lighting Demonstration Project” undertaken by a Chongqing company was used to intelligently change color through the use of the Internet of Things. The temperature LED lamp can automatically adjust the color temperature according to different seasons, weather visibility, climate temperature and other data, and in the abnormal climate such as fog, it can also open different modes to achieve functional lighting.

In addition, the street lamp also has an intelligent terminal sensing system, which can monitor the running status of each lamp, collect information such as cables and lamp theft all day, and automatically alarm the information classification.

At present, the product has been applied in large areas along Hongyadong, Binjiang Road, Yuzhong District, Caiyuan Road, Huangsha River, Eile Ridge, Chayuan Slag Field Road, Hechuan City and Yongchuan New City.


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