LED lighting hopes for low carbon and healthy life

The LED lighting industry has experienced a trough in the past year. The area of the 2023 Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition, held from June 9 to 12, has reached a record high. Behind this is the increasingly rich intelligent lighting industry chain, not only lighting companies, but also chips, modules, sensors, cloud computing, audio, home appliances and other companies. Come to the exhibition.

LED lighting hopes for low carbon and healthy life

The domestic market penetration rate of LED lighting has exceeded 70%, and the trend of intelligence is becoming increasingly obvious. Many leading domestic and foreign LED lighting companies believe that low carbon, intelligence, and health are the future development directions of the LED lighting industry; LED lighting will create new demands in the process of helping realize a low-carbon society, smart homes, and healthy living.

The LED lighting industry was in trouble last year

According to data from the China Lighting Electrical Appliances Association, the scale of China's lighting industry in 2022 will be approximately 643.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 5.4%. Among them, domestic sales in 2022 will be restricted by factors such as the slowdown in macroeconomic growth, the downturn in real estate, and lack of consumer confidence. The total sales of the domestic lighting market will be 225 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 13.5%. Lighting exports were approximately 418.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 0.9%.

Where is the way out and the direction of the lighting industry? Yao Mengming, general manager of the lighting design and application department of Signify Greater China, said that China has set a clear goal of "achieving carbon peak before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060." In 2022, China's GDP will be about 120 trillion yuan, and the output value of the lighting industry will be about 650 billion yuan. The lighting industry accounts for about 0.55% of GDP, but the electricity consumption of lighting accounts for 14% of the electricity consumption of the whole society, and the carbon dioxide emitted by lighting It accounts for 5.6% of the total carbon emissions in society.

According to the "Guiding Opinions on Coordinating Energy Saving, Carbon Reduction and Recycling to Accelerate the Updating and Transformation of Products and Equipment in Key Areas" issued by the state in February 2023, lighting equipment, together with boilers, refrigeration equipment, motors, power transformers, and home appliances, are the six key updates areas of transformation.

"The transition to low-carbon lighting is urgent." It is hoped to reduce the 5.6% carbon emissions of lighting. Among them, 5% of carbon emissions are in the production stage of lighting products, and 95% of carbon emissions are in the use stage of lighting products. First of all, factories need to update equipment and gradually become "carbon neutral"; secondly, a lot of work needs to be done to manage the carbon footprint of lighting products throughout their life cycles.

"Low-carbon lighting transformation" has five key areas, including urban and rural construction, green travel, circular economy, clean energy and green agriculture. Yao Mengming believes that indoor lighting accounts for 65% of building electricity consumption. If ultra-high-efficiency LED lamps and light sources are used, there is huge room for energy saving. Road lighting also has a lot of room for energy-saving updates. Recyclable 3D printed lamps can reduce waste by 50%. Using solar energy, a hybrid energy lighting power supply system can be created. LED plant supplementary lighting can reduce energy consumption in greenhouse cultivation.


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