Leveraging LED lights, Zhejiang Plant Factory efficiently grows crops

In early November 2020, the plant factory was officially put into operation. According to the project leader, the plant factory can grow all kinds of crops such as vegetables, flowers, spices, melons and fruits, with an annual output of 75 tons and an average daily output of about 200 kilograms. At present, crops such as cabbage and persimmon produced in the park have entered the market.

Leveraging LED lights, Zhejiang Plant Factory efficiently grows crops

The plant factory adopts intelligent digital technology in the whole process of soilless cultivation, and the control system can flexibly adjust the indoor temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide concentration. The researchers will also adjust the LED lights according to the needs of different growth stages of the crop, maximizing the simulation of the survival elements of the crop's native growth.

It is worth mentioning that the four-dimensional ecology also tailor-made LED grow lights for plant growth. The LED plant lighting equipment has the advantages of high light efficiency, low energy consumption and adjustable spectrum, and can provide corresponding required light for plants in different growth stages, thereby improving the yield and quality of crops.

It is reported that the first large-scale all-artificial light plant factory in Zhejiang uses four-dimensional ecological LED plant growth lights. The plant factory is independently developed and built by Siwei Ecology and is located in Infinet Technology Park, Binjiang District. It replaces sunlight with LED lighting to "customize" the specific spectrum most suitable for the growth needs of plants, and further improve the growth rate of plants.


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