Philips LED lighting sales in India Increase sharply

According to foreign media reports, Philips Lighting estimates in the next 6-8 months, the localization rate of its LED lamps in the Indian market to 70%, in order to meet local market demand.

Philips Lighting India Sumit Joshi, director of marketing, said: "At present, the purchase of Philips Lighting supply 40% -50% of the Indian market in the sale of Philips lighting products in the Indian market 90% -95% of all locally designed and completed. Manufacturing. "

Philips LED lighting sales in India Increase sharply

Sumit Joshi said that the current sales of Philips Lighting fixtures in nearly 30% of LED products, to 2017, this proportion will rise to 40%. At that time, compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) are accounting for about 10% -15%, incandescent and fluorescent tubes will occupy 30% -40%.

He said that with the increase in production and sales of LED lighting, product prices are expected to decrease about dropped twice CFL lamps.

2014, Philips LED lighting product sales in the Indian market surged 76 percent, far higher than the industry average.

For business expansion, Philips India also launched two new LED, Razor LED and 2-in-1. Razor LED downlight, priced 1790 rupees (equivalent to about 174.7 yuan) onwards; 2-in-1 is available in two colors, yellow and white, priced at 750 rupees (equivalent to about 73.2 yuan) case.

Currently, the Indian LED market capitalization is estimated to 22.75 billion rupees (equivalent to about 2.22 billion yuan) or so, and compound annual growth rate of over 40%.


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