Street lights in Malaysia will be gradually replaced with LED street lights from September

According to foreign media reports, in Malaysia, almost 80% of street lights are ordinary light bulbs, not LED bulbs that are more energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

Street lights in Malaysia will be gradually replaced with LED street lights from September

The Minister of Housing and Local Government of Malaysia, Zuleda pointed out that starting in September, street lights across the country will be gradually replaced with LED bulbs to save 50% of power.

The bidding process will end in June, after which a three-month trial will be conducted in Anbang. "If the trial works as planned, we will implement the program nationwide starting in September," Zuleda said.

In addition, the ministry will explore the installation of closed circuit televisions (CCTVs) in specific places to combat criminals and arrest litterers, as well as replace the signs of shops and buildings with LED lights.

Zulida pointed out, "This plan will also be implemented from Ampang to the whole of Malaysia. We hope that CCTV will not only reduce the crime rate, but also stop local people and foreigners from littering."


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