Tainan is expected to replace about 90,000 street lamps with LED lights next year

In order to maintain the safety of people's road at night, and to cooperate with energy conservation and carbon reduction, the Tainan City Government plans to spend one year replacing nearly 90,000 high-energy-consuming traditional street lights in the city, and fully replacing them with LED street lights with low energy consumption, high efficiency and saving electricity costs. .

Tainan is expected to replace about 90,000 street lamps with LED lights next year

The Tainan City Government plans the "110-Year Tainan City Replacement LED Lamp Construction Project". Yesterday, the city completed the bidding for the city's replacement LED street lamp construction project. The Public Works Bureau said that compared with traditional street lamps, LED street lamps can save 60%. For the above electricity bills, this project also introduces an intelligent street lamp control system, and installs intelligent street lamps with wireless fault feedback notification function in important road sections. Using wireless transmission technology, street lamp faults can be dispatched immediately and repair time is shortened.

There are more than 220,000 street lights in Tainan City. In 2013, the "Project to Expand the Installation of LED Street Lights" was implemented, and 51,343 LEDs have been replaced. In 2016, the "Mercury Street Light Sunset Project" was also implemented and 89,924 LEDs were installed. In addition, there are still about 78,000 sodium lamps and about 8,000 fluorescent lamps. The total number of about 90,000 lamps has not been replaced with LED lamps. All of them will be included in the "110-year Tainan City Replacement LED Lamp Construction Project". Energy saving, low failure rate, and improved recognition efficiency.


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