The NTU research zero defect LED, luminous efficiency can be increased 100 times

For a long time, when the thin semiconductor material, electronic, performance photovoltaic element of the more adverse effects, however, NTU multinational team developed unmatched global semiconductor material defect, through the "repair deficient" approach, will enhance LED light Effectiveness 100 times, has been published in the "Science" journal.

The NTU research zero defect LED, luminous efficiency can be increased 100 times

The study was collaboration between the University of California at Berkeley professor Ali Javey, professor of Arabic King Abdullah University of Science and Technology He Zhihao, foreground large principal Lee Si-chen, NTU even Dr. de Villa et al., The two-dimensional material is immersed in an organic superacid , allowing a single film to achieve "zero defect", a substantial increase in luminous efficiency.

NTU research team shows that two-dimensional semiconductor materials with special electronic conductivity, optical, mechanical properties, can be integrated in today's semiconductor device manufacturing process, is considered to have great potential to replace traditional silicon material element in which molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is one of the most popular two-dimensional semiconductor materials, however, at the current synthesis technology, the defect density two-dimensional material remains high.

Transnational research team after a long study, found that molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) material infiltration imide (bistriflimide) organic super acids, can significantly improve the quantum efficiency of the two-dimensional material, it can be increased to nearly 100% from less than 1% , to bring about revolutionary change in transistor.


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